Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dafydd goes to Oz

Dafydd is one of my all time favorite molds, this snotty little Welsh stallion has what it takes to carry a paint job either fancy or sublime.

Here's a sooty dapple buckskin tobiano Dafydd, who has already arrived at his new home in Australia. I'm very tickled with him!

The kiln is firing again tonight, with the last of 2010's horses. Then, a couple of weeks to clean out the workshop; make new molds; finish a few old projects; and give the kiln a tune-up (it's been firing reliably for 15 years now, with nary an adjustment... it needs some wires tightened and a temperature calibration to start its sixteenth year)



  1. I saw images of him on Blab and he almost made me swallow my tongue: that dark swirl through his tail is magical! And of course, his new owner is thrilled, and why wouldn't she be?

  2. He's gorgeous! One of my favorites! I especially love his hooves. :D

  3. Wow! What an awesome color Joanie!!! Such depth and those dapples!!!!!!!
